
Desenvolvimento de sistemas híbridos de energia renovável combinando energia eólica, solar, hidroelétrica e armazenamento de energia

A cada ano que passa, a necessidade de sistemas energéticos sustentáveis torna-se mais premente. A disponibilização de energia segura e eficiente a partir de fontes renováveis é um desafio significativo na Europa, tanto para a indústria em grande escala como para comunidades energéticas de menor dimensão.
O projeto HY4RES tem como objetivo reduzir a poluição atmosférica e as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa na Área Atlântica, contribuindo para as metas do Pacto Ecológico Europeu e o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 7, que visa energia limpa e acessível. Para alcançar este propósito, o projeto pretende aumentar a integração de energias renováveis no sistema energético, utilizando novas soluções tecnológicas e digitais. O desenvolvimento de sistemas híbridos de energia renovável, soluções de armazenamento de energia e software de gestão inteligente permitirá produzir e otimizar o uso da energia sustentável gerada localmente.



O desafio

do projeto 🏅

Um dos principais desafios que o HY4RES irá enfrentar é a variabilidade na disponibilidade das fontes de energia renovável em toda a Área Atlântica. São necessárias novas soluções tecnológicas e digitais para gerir essas fontes de energia de forma mais eficiente, melhorando a sua interoperabilidade e maximizando o seu uso. Assim, o HY4RES irá desenvolver e demonstrar sistemas híbridos de energia renovável, combinando energia solar, eólica e hidroelétrica, bem como soluções de armazenamento de energia, para otimizar a disponibilidade da energia produzida.

Ações a

implementar 🚀

As atividades do projeto estão divididas em Pacotes de Trabalho, nos quais todos os parceiros desempenham papéis diferentes e complementares. O HY4RES também envolve decisores políticos, empresas, investigadores e muitos outros intervenientes de diferentes setores (agricultura, aquacultura, portos), para garantir a relevância e a adoção das soluções desenvolvidas.

work packages

Pacote de trabalho 1

Nova tecnologia e software: desenvolver sistemas híbridos de energia renovável de pequena escala, rentáveis (utilizando energia eólica, solar e hidroelétrica), e soluções de armazenamento de energia.

Pacote de Trabalho 2

Nova plataforma de gestão: desenvolver software inteligente de gestão de energia renovável, utilizando inteligência artificial e um modelo de previsão baseado na análise de dados de produção e consumo.

Pacote de Trabalho 3

Demonstrações piloto: implementar 4 sites piloto em 4 setores económicos diferentes (agricultura, aquacultura, portos e comunidade energética doméstica).

Pacote de Trabalho 4

Avaliação de impacto holística: avaliar como as inovações respondem às ambições sociais e ambientais, e fornecer ferramentas de apoio à decisão para decisores políticos e atores económicos, de forma a apoiar a sua implementação.

Work package 5

Comunidade de Prática: criar uma “Comunidade de Prática” que reúna pelo menos 500 intervenientes e comunique e divulgue amplamente os resultados do HY4RES.

4 locais piloto são utilizados para testar e implementar os sistemas híbridos de energia renovável.


map pilot sites

Parceiros envolvidos

9 parceiros de 4 países da Área Atlântica (Espanha, Portugal, Irlanda e França) estão envolvidos no projeto HY4RES. Todos trabalham nos setores da agricultura, aquacultura, energias renováveis ou portos.

trinity college dublin

Trinity College Dublin – Project coordinator

Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is an engineering school with proven, multi-disciplinary experience, particularly in the fields of energy and the environment, in relation to the HY4RES project. As coordinator, TCD will be responsible for managing the project and ensuring that the deliverables are produced correctly, according to the Interreg Atlantic Area programme.

Its experience in several European projects involving research, development and demonstration of hydropower, solar and wind power production systems, means that it can provide full expertise within the HY4RES project. By developing and promoting renewable energy systems, TCD provides its experience in the field. Through laboratory prototyping of technologies and their implementation in pilot sites.

Its role

  • TCD is responsible for the overall management of the HY4RES project, and delivery of both technical and financial aspects. The organisation is also responsible for the development of hybrid renewable energy systems, which includes creation of a hybrid RE design software.
  • TCD contribute to environmental impact and life cycle sustainability assessment, in partnership with Vertigo Lab. It is also involved in the implementation of the Irish aquaculture pilot site, as well as communication activities within the project.

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easy hydro

Easy Hydro – Partner

Easy Hydro is an SME involved in the development of renewable energy systems, and in the design of hydraulic systems at a small scale. Easy Hydro has unique experience in designing micro hydropower installations, as well as in the use of artificial intelligence modelling of new renewable energy systems, helping to provide needed technologies and innovation for the HY4RES project.

Its experience lies in the development of inverted rotation pumps used as turbines (driven to produce electricity by a water transfer system between two basins located at different altitudes), in the design of small-scale hydropower installations, and in the monitoring and control of renewable energy production.

Its role

  • Easy Hydro is leading the creation of the solar energy forecast modelling system in HY4RES and contribute to the development of software linked to the PAT (reverse rotation pump), as well as to the research on energy management optimisation thanks to its experience in AI.Its experience in the field also enables it to support the implementation of pilot sites.


University of Cordoba

University of Cordoba (Department of Agronomy) – Partner

The Department of Agronomy of the University of Cordoba works on hydraulic and irrigation, in collaboration with the irrigation sector of southern Spain, contributing to the HY4RES project by providing its experience in optimising the link between water and energy in agriculture. The group has key skills particularly useful in the project, notably in the efficient use of energy in water distribution systems, the use of renewable energies (solar and micro-hydropower) and the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques for water demand forecasting.

Its contribution to several scientific articles helps it having a big impact on research, thanks to close collaboration with the irrigation sector, and in-depth work in the irrigation communities of southern Spain.

Its role

  • The Department of Agronomy is mainly responsible for developing a management system using artificial intelligence and forecasts on the production and consumption of renewable energies. It is working on the study and research on the solar plants installed in the Valle Inferior irrigated area: installation, monitoring and analysis of the results and performance of floating solar panels on a farm in the same irrigated area.



Feragua – Association of Irrigation Communities of Andalusia – Partner

With more than 300,000 hectares linked to irrigation communities throughout Andalusia, Feragua has an exclusive link with the agricultural sector by collaborating with irrigation communities in Andalusia. Its participation in projects to optimise the use of water and energy in agricultural irrigation makes it a major actor in the HY4RES project. Hybrid renewable energy systems development and forecasting data models to achieve zero carbon emissions in the Atlantic Arc is closely linked to the agricultural sector.

Its skills, combined with its network of Spanish agricultural stakeholders, enable the HY4RES project to co-develop technologies and software in collaboration with local stakeholders. This gives the project a grassroots vision through full collaboration, which contributes to the project’s results and greater visibility of the local and wider impact.

Its role

  • As a representative of Andalusian irrigation communities, Feragua contribute to the HY4RES project through its experience and its knowledge. By demonstrating new technologies and hybrid systems in agricultural pilot sites, and sharing the results obtained in their Andalusian irrigation network. This will help them to co-develop the community of practice in the agricultural sector and facilitate the development of workshops in Spain. Finally, Feragua will implement a communication plan in Andalusia, to transmit the results among those interested in the field of irrigated agriculture.


Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon

Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon – Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment – Partner

The Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon is a major actor in the engineering, science and technology fields in Portugal. As a major contributor to development, research and innovation of renewable energy technologies, energy storage and management, the IST brings all its experience to the HY4RES project.

Its role

  • By demonstrating technologies and software developed and implemented in the 4 HY4RES pilot sites, IST works on the creation of hybrid RE systems digital solutions. Community energy development in Portugal is also part of IST’s activities within the project.


University of Oviedo

University of Oviedo – Energy department – Hydraulic Area – Partner

The University of Oviedo’s team is expert in renewable energy research and development in Spain. The University’s researchers focus on marine renewable energies, with development of new technologies through numerical simulation and experimental techniques. They have complete expertise in the study of air and water flows, with the aim of maximising their performance in the production of renewable energy.

Several scientific articles have been produced on optimising energy availability by analysing hydrokinetic energy and micro-turbines, making the University of Oviedo a key partner in the HY4RES project. This technical knowledge is associated with the development of the Spanish port pilot site.

Its role

  • The University of Oviedo contributes to the HY4RES project with its knowledge of innovative techniques and technologies linked to marine renewable energies. Through research, development and design with testing, to implement new technologies at port sites, the university aims to improve the use of resources present in these installations.


IG Energy – Partner

IG Energy has key skills in preliminary feasibility estimations and technical-economic feasibility studies, for instructing small-hydro licensing processes. The company has, for example, been involved in wind farm projects, micro-hydro installations, and the supply and assembly of turbine-generators and micro-turbines for various hydropower installations in Portugal.

IG Energy also works as a consultant in the design and implementation of hydropower installations, at a small scale, analysing the hydropower potential of localisations, and has a full experience in energy research and development.

Its role

  • IG Energy takes part in the HY4RES project by contributing to hybrid renewable energy system design software, in relation to wind and hydropower plant sizing. The enterprise is also involved in the development of optimisation software for the management of hybrid RE systems, linked to AI and models forecasting, and in the implementation of the Portuguese pilot site.


Vertigo Lab

Vertigo lab – Partner

Vertigo lab supports decision-makers from companies and local authorities at local, national, and international level, in their strategies and policies to activate responsible innovation and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The enterprise works on climate change and the sustainable transformation of economic models, providing consultancy, analysis, and expertise to local and European stakeholders. Through the development of decision-making tools, Vertigo lab analyses costs and benefits, as well as social, economic, and environmental impacts: in the fields of marine biodiversity, aquaculture, agriculture, the circular economy, etc.

Vertigo lab is an expert in applied research, development, innovation and policy and environmental analysis, with expertise in the implementation of green urban infrastructure, ecological restoration, and agriculture.

Its role

  • Vertigo lab’s skills in socioeconomics, environmental, social, societal and public policy impacts assessment are particularly appreciated in the HY4RES project, with a view to design intelligent and efficient technologies. The company is providing a multi-dimensional analysis, through the development of a USE matrix (Social and Ecological Utility Analysis Grid).
  • By analysing the political levers, risks and obstacles encountered, Vertigo lab is also providing the HY4RES project with the right tools to deploy hybrid energy systems.



Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Area – Partner

AC3A is an umbrella organisation of 4 regional Chambers of agriculture in the Atlantic Area, working at European level and focusing on agricultural issues and challenges facing the Atlantic regions, in relation to environment, biodiversity or bioeconomy. AC3A brings within its projects the knowledge and know-how from the Chambers of agriculture as advisors and trainers for farmers, facilitators and innovation brokers for rural development at local level, and conducts research and development activities at farm level and regional level.

Its role

  • AC3A leads the communication activities as well as the creation of the HY4RES “Community of Practice”, gathering various stakeholders across the Atlantic Area and beyond, to ensure the long-term dissemination of HY4RES results and the uptake of the innovations developed by the project.


HY4RES project involves associated partners for the implementation of its pilot sites, namely: the Valle Inferior irrigation community in Spain, the Irish Fish Producers Organisation in Ireland, the Port Authority of Avilés in Spain, and the municipality of Castanheira de Pera in Portugal.


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