HY4RES : Hybrid Solutions For Renewable Energy Systems 🌱

HY4RES will combine solar, wind and hydropower in hybrid systems for renewable energy production and will develop energy storage at micro-scale. The project, co-funded by the EU programme Interreg Atlantic Area, will provide affordable and sustainable energy solutions for agriculture, aquaculture, industry and domestic sectors.

Learn more

ERDF funding

2,40 M€

Total budget

3,20 M€


12.2023 to 11.2026

Potential for agriculture, aquaculture, ports and community energy 🌍

HY4RES will test hybrid renewable energy systems in 4 pilot sites located in Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The project gathers 9 partners with complementary fields of expertise.


map of HY4RES pilot sites


Valle Inferior

Agriculture 🌱

The Spanish agriculture pilot site is linked to the Valle Inferior irrigation system, within the Guadalquivir basin in Andalusia. The area benefits from existing solar panels and the Peñaflor dam, which supply the local irrigation system.


Co. Donegal

Aquaculture 🐠

Located in the north-west of Ireland, in Killybegs, the aquaculture pilot site will combine wind and hydropower to supply energy to several fish processing facilities.


Castanheira de Pera

Community Energy 🤝

Located in the remote areas of Castainheira de Pera and Marruge in Portugal, the pilot site’s ambition is to achieve energy self-sufficiency at a community scale.


Port of Aviles

Port 🚢

Located in the port of Avilés, in the north of Spain, the port pilot site will implement a hybrid renewable energy system, combining solar, wind and hydropower at a micro-scale.

Fresh news

News 🗞️

Las Catalinas will host HY4RES’ future agriculture pilot site

The location of the future HY4RES agriculture pilot site has been successfully identified! It will be located in the Valle Inferior and will build on existing infrastructures.


News 🗞️

HY4RES meeting with Island Seafoods Ltd.

Last February, the Irish partners of HY4RES met with the owners of Island Seafoods Ltd., a fish processing food facility in Killybegs, which is expected to host the future aquaculture pilot site.


News 🗞️

HY4RES partner meeting in Cordoba

The 2nd HY4RES partner meeting took place from 12 to 14 June 2024, at the University of Cordoba in Spain. The opportunity for the 9 project’s partners to review the progresses made over the last months and plan the future activities.


News 🗞️

Retrospective – Launch of the EU project HY4RES

The kick-off meeting of the HY4RES project took place last December in Dublin. A great opportunity for partners to meet and launch the work.


Events 📅

[NETWORK] 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences 🍀

Innovative Trends to Reshape the Water Science, Technology and Engineering.


Events 📅

[HY4RES] Open day on hybrid renewable energy systems

Integrating solar, wind and hydropower: sustainable energy production for irrigation in Valle inferior irrigation community, and case studies in other EU countries.


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Meet the Crew

Aonghus McNabola

Professor in the School of Engineering at Trinity college Dublin

Aonghus is a Civil Engineering, and his main line of research focuses on the development of fluids-based technology in the energy and environment fields.

Helena Ramos

Professor in Civil Engineering Department at IST, from University of Lisbon

Helena’s main line of research focuses on the fields of Hydraulics, Hydrodynamics, Hydropower, Hybrid Energy Solutions, Pumped-storage.

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trinity college dublin easy hydro University of Cordoba feragua Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon University of Oviedo Vertigo Lab