
Retrospective – Launch of the EU project HY4RES

partner meeting

4-5 décembre, Dublin, Irlande

The partners of the European project HY4RES gathered in Dublin for the kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the HY4RES project, co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area programme of the European Union, took place last December. This two-days event was an opportunity for all partners to meet and to review the different work streams in the project.

HY4RES stands for Hybrid solutions for Renewable Energy Systems: achieving net-zero Atlantic area energy consumers & communities. The project seeks to develop hybrid renewable energy systems, combining wind, hydropower, energy storage and solar energy. Supporting the green transition of industry and community energy demand in the Atlantic Area using novel hybrid solutions is HY4RES’ mission.

HY4RES is a European project which gathers 9 partners and 4 associated organisations from 4 countries: Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and France. The partners work in the fields of hybrid renewable energy systems, agriculture, aquaculture, ports, and community energy. Together, they work on the development of innovative solutions for hybrid energy production and storage usable at micro-scale: integrating these new technologies in irrigation areas, small community energy, ports, and fish processing facilities.

The European Union supports the development of renewable energy

With a total budget of 3,20M€ including 2,40M€ funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), HY4RES project is actively supported by the EU through its Interreg Atlantic Area programme, which is committed to the transnational cooperation among Atlantic regions. HY4RES project is part of the “Blue and green environment” priority, which supports projects contributing to energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, for the long-term achievement of a carbon-neutral environment.

tcd lead partner

Trinity College in Dublin: lead partner of HY4RES

On the 4th of December, the partners were welcomed to the facilities of Trinity College Dublin (TCD), coordinator of the HY4RES project. TCD includes Engineering and Business Schools with proven multidisciplinary experience, especially in the areas of environment and energy.

After a warm welcome by Professor Alan O’Connor, Head of Engineering School,  Professor Aonghus McNabola, coordinator of the project, introduced the challenges of the development of hybrid solutions, and delivered a presentation of HY4RES’s objectives and methodology. This overview was followed by presentations of the future areas of work within the project, made by the partners.

Five work streams

The project’s activities are divided in five different “Work Packages” (WP), each one led by a different partner in the consortium:

The development of the pilot sites relies on the collaboration with HY4RES partners, and associated partners including: the Valle Inferior irrigation community in Spain, Irish Fish Producers Organisation in Ireland, the Port Authority of Avilés in Spain, and the municipality of Castanheira de Pera in Portugal.

The exact locations of the pilot sites are not yet defined although recently, the right place to host the Spanish agriculture pilot site has been found, thanks to collaboration between partners and associated partners.

HY4RES builds on the results and findings of the REDAWN project co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area programme 2014-2020.  REDAWN focused on the improvement of the energy efficiency of water networks through the installation of innovative micro-hydropower technology. HY4RES agriculture pilot plant is located near the pilot plant installed in REDAWN. Some of the technologies developed in HY4RES, such as a pump working in reverse as turbine (PAT), have also been developed and used in REDAWN, which will enable HY4RES to build on proven solutions.

partners banner

Transnational cooperation at the heart of HY4RES

The success of the HY4RES project will rely on the cooperation between the nine partners, who bring complementary expertise and know-how to the project:

Lastly, the setting up of pilot sites in several regions of the Atlantic Arc, in different contexts and economic sectors, will enable the partners to develop solutions that have a high potential for replicability, thus contributing to more sustainability and efficiency in the energy systems across Europe.

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trinity college dublin easy hydro University of Cordoba feragua Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon University of Oviedo Vertigo Lab