
HY4RES’s pilot sites 🌍

HY4RES will test hybrid renewable energy systems in 4 pilot sites located in Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The project gathers 9 partners with complementary fields of expertise.


Valle Inferior

Agriculture 🌱

The Spanish agriculture pilot site is linked to the Valle Inferior irrigation system, within the Guadalquivir basin in Andalusia. The area benefits from existing solar panels that supply the country’s irrigation systems, and from the Peñaflor weir, which is used to irrigate the region. SEE MORE

valle inferior


Co. Donegal

Aquaculture 🐠

Located in the north-west of Ireland, in County Donegal, the HY4RES aquaculture pilot site will implement a hybrid renewable energy system combining wind and hydro power. SEE MORE

Irish aquaculture pilot site


Castanheira de Pera

Community Energy 🤝

The pilot site at Castainheira de Pera and Marruge in Portugal concerns a community energy. The aim is to install a hybrid renewable energy system and implement software to manage the community’s energy needs. The system uses water from the small stream, solar energy captured on the surrounding slopes and wind energy. SEE MORE

Portuguese community energy pilot site


Port of Aviles

Port 🚢

Located in the port of Avilés, in the north of Spain, the port pilot site will implement a hybrid renewable energy system, combining solar, wind and hydropower at a micro-scale. SEE MORE

Spanish port pilot pilot site

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trinity college dublin easy hydro University of Cordoba feragua Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon University of Oviedo Vertigo Lab